
European election results in Italy and Europe

For a change and an independent initiative of the workers movement

Italian translation The vote for the new EU Parliament is the result of each country's electoral outcome, since the national political situation prevails as final motivation for the vote. However, it is possible to point out some trend lines on the continental level. The EPP (European People's Party) confirms and consolidates its centrality in the EU as the lynchpin of its political balances. It has established itself as the leading party in Germany, Spain, Poland, Greece, Slovenia and...

12 Giugno 2024 - Communist Workers Party - International Trotskyist Opposition

European Union. Balance sheet and prospects for an imperialist union. For a socialist Europe as...

Pubblichiamo un documento di analisi comune dell'Opposizione Trotskista Internazionale e della Lega per la Quinta Internazionale The European Union was born from a concerted effort by the imperialist states of the old continent, driven by the fall of the Berlin Wall, with the aim of participating in the new division of the world market. The collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact pushed the capitalist reunification of Germany. French imperialism accepted reunification in exchange for the...

6 Giugno 2024 - International Trotskyist Opposition, League for the Fifth International

The Iran-Israel confrontation

The crisis of the world imperialistic order

Italian translation Last night's Iranian military action against Israel is part of the worsening international crisis. It's an effect and a contributing cause at the same time. The dynamics of current events are not yet defined. Several variables are in play. But it is possible to frame some initial essential elements. The Iranian military action is a response to the Zionist state's murderous attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The response itself is legitimate. Israel bombed the...

14 Aprile 2024 - Communist Workers Party - International Trotskyist Opposition

Ukraine. Where the war is going

The imperialist arms race in Europe and the turn of the war. The crisis on the Ukrainian front. The positioning of revolutionary Marxists

Italian translation The drums of war are beating, but also improvised readings. It’s best to stick to the reality principle. The method of Marxism. THE ARMS RACE OF ALL IMPERIALIST POLES. EVEN IN THE EUROPEAN UNION The arms race by all the imperialist powers, old and new, is in full swing and is far-reaching. If Russian imperialism has structured itself as a war economy, if Chinese imperialism exponentially increases its military investments, so do NATO imperialisms. Including...

12 Aprile 2024 - Communist Workers Party

On the side of the Houthis

The liberal press surpasses the government on the ground of militarism. Revolutionary Marxists against imperialism at home

Italian translation The big national press has intoned the patriotic campaign against the Houthis. While the grand national unity in support of the military mission in the Red Sea is celebrated in Parliament - from Meloni to M5S via the PD - "opposition" columnists compete in declaring themselves more militaristic than the post-fascist-led government itself. The case of La Stampa (GEDI group) is emblematic. As early as January 26, well in advance, it bit the bullet in calling for the...

11 Marzo 2024 - Communist Workers Party - International Trotskyist Opposition

ITO-LFI Declaration

Italian translation The International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO) and the League for the Fifth International (LFI) have over the last year and a half held a series of meetings and other encounters, as well as exchanged letters and documents. On December 17, 2023, the leading bodies of the International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO) and the League for the Fifth International (LFI) held a videoconference call, which confirmed that the ITO and the LFI substantially agree on many programmatic...

12 Febbraio 2024 - International Trotskyist Opposition, League for the Fifth International

Joint Statement on Palestine

Italian translation The International Trotskyist Opposition (ITO), the League for the Fifth International (LFI) and the Revolutionary Workers Party of Russia, finding themselves in agreement on revolutionary perspectives for Palestine, have adopted this joint statement. The constant oppression, eviction, and killings of Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza has once again seized the world’s attention through the counterattack led by Hamas and other resistance fighters on...

11 Gennaio 2024 - International Trotskyist Opposition, League for the Fifth International, Revolutionary Workers Party (Russia)

Scontro di classe in Argentina

Il governo Milei all'attacco frontale. È l'ora dello sciopero generale Privatizzazione di tutte le aziende statali, aumento delle tasse sul lavoro e abbassamento delle aliquote per i grandi capitali, abbattimento delle tutele sul lavoro, blocco totale dei rinnovi contrattuali nel settore pubblico, taglio immediato di 30000 posti di lavoro nella pubblica amministrazione, arresto in flagranza per blocco stradale e sanzioni durissime per chi li promuove... Il nuovo governo argentino di...

10 Gennaio 2024 - Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori

Syriza and Die Linke on the side of the Zionist state

What does the Italian left think about it?

Italian translation The hysteria of European ruling circles in favour of Israel has opened an ominous breach in the Party of the European Left (of which the Italian Communist Refoundation Party is a member). Syriza, newly taken over by a businessman, expresses its «unequivocal condemnation of today’s attack by Hamas against Israel» and stands in solidarity with the Israeli people. A position so unbalanced in favour of the Zionist state that it provoked an outcry from a...

17 Ottobre 2023 - Workers Communist Party - International Trotskyist Opposition

Dalla parte dei palestinesi, contro lo stato di Israele

In piena autonomia dalla destra religiosa di Hamas, ma sempre dalla parte di un popolo oppresso contro le forze d'occupazione

English translation L'attacco militare di Hamas solleva in queste ore l'onda della solidarietà con Israele da parte di tutta la diplomazia imperialista, ad ogni angolo del pianeta. Tonnellate di ipocrisia rivoltante. Che ignora l'oppressione della Palestina. Che confonde oppressori ed oppressi. Che rimuove le responsabilità decisive dell'imperialismo nel sostegno al terrore sionista. Da marxisti rivoluzionari abbiamo sempre denunciato la natura politica di Hamas, la...

8 Ottobre 2023 - Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori